Fernco Wax Free Toilet Seal is now listed with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)

The file number for this listing is 5894. Products stamped with the IAPMO trademark symbol "UPC" are recognized as complying to the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code and the applicable industry standard. The UPC symbol provides engineers, inspectors, contractors and consumers with peace of mind. Products carrying the symbol are tested, reliable, and backed up with documentation. For these reasons it also provides Fernco with a competitive edge over products that are not listed as conforming to the UPC.

To see or print a copy of the listing or to refer customers to the listing go to http://www.fernco.com/technical/codes-standards. Click on the IAPMO link and type "Fernco" into the search box. All of the current Fernco listings will appear. Click on file number "5894" for the Toilet Seal listing.